
Known World Heraldry and Scribal Symposium – 2019

I am so behind telling you all about the event I went to the weekend of July 5-7. I was fortunate to go to the Known World Heraldry and Scribal Symposium. It was held only a few hours drive from Lonely Tower in the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui (Des Moines, IA) and the Canton of Axed Root (Ames, IA) .

Each year several Known World symposiums are held around the SCA bringing people together to mingle and learn about their special interests. This one was about my two favorite things heraldry and scribal stuff.

KWHSS had six classrooms going throughout the whole day. But they had an amazing hospitality food and beverage assortment. So there was no need to even leave the event. It had a dedicated scribal workroom, a merchant hall, space for visiting royalty, plus a room for private meetings. And there was much to do.

What did I do? I took pictures to share with you. Here are just a few.

A few of those gathering the first night to meet and greet all.
B. Konstantia Kaloethina showing how we’re not always serious.

Then Saturday the fancy garb came out and classes happened. But there was still time to mingle and share stories.

My first class – “Script Geeks Unite!” – was lead by Masteritsa Nika Dmitrieva doch’ Zvezdina (Nicolaa) from the Kingdom of Ealdormere who shared her calligraphy only creations.

Between classes, depending on your intended schedule, you had time to make friends chat with others and take more pictures.

Marion Forester from the Kingdom of the Outlands teaching her chocked-full pigment grinding class.
Her Calontir Highness Yseult conversing with attendees.

Just like jello there’s always room for shopping.

The heraldry types played a game they called “Emblazon-able”. It’s based on the “Scrabble” game. Emblazons are out of my comfort zone. If you want to know more ask M. Sofya la Rus or Baroness Konstantia Kaloethina. Describing heraldic arms beyond simple basics takes multiple books for me to understand. To me heraldry is something pretty to put on a scroll.

One of Honorable Lady Cecily of York’s two classes I took on drawing. Cecily traveled from the Kingdom of Northshield.

There were scribal and wordsmithing displays. People brought their favorite pieces they received or made themselves to show for all to oooh and aaah over.

There was also a non-medallion award token competition and others were displayed. Non-medallion awards are things like gloves, garters, bags, sleeves – anything that isn’t a medallion – that shows an award. The competition was only non-medallion awards the entrant personally made. 

A heralds going to herald.

Of course there’s a court. The room was a bit tiny for all the attendees but as always we’re a friendly group and understood.

There were a few post court happenings like pictures and a belting ceremony.

Mistress Katrei Grunenber taking Alexandra Vazquez de Granada (Shandra) as her protege.

So a full day and then dinner with friends from other Kingdoms I hadn’t met yet. What could be more complete?

3 thoughts on “Known World Heraldry and Scribal Symposium – 2019

  1. a little off topic but would you happen to know who the woman with the gold flinderhaube in the court and after court picture is? ( second from the right in the post court happenings picture)


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