
Calontir Hath Bloggers

Calontir’s bloggers are a busy bunch presenting you research, opinions, projects, reenactment tales and history. They also come and go over time. Since I switched from Blogger to Word Press I’ve located even more that may interest you.

Here are those I’ve found although the list probably isn’t complete. As before these are personal noncommercial Calontiri bloggers who post SCA relevant information at least quarterly.

The Falcon Banner, edited by M. Mathurin Kerbusso, is unique as it is a Calontir newsletter. While not an official publication of the SCA or the Kingdom of Calontir, it presents timely information relating to both. The Falcon Banner is always my regular must read.

Casks and Quivers is a research information blog written by HL Eynon Llangenydd. On it the author’s full SCA name is a mystery. I found his last name by looking at his listed awards then going to the Calontir OP>Awards>Boga Hirth. And bingo there you see he was its 47th recipient. On Casks and Quivers Eynon gives you details on archery, brewing, naval history and of course his SCA projects. He up most posts with related resources he’s found. Eynon’s name maybe a bit hidden but his information is well detailed.

Foxeholly is the SCA blog of HL Ki no Kotori where she writes about Japanese poetry and persona things. Especially her 10th century (Heian Era) Japanese courtier persona. She’s been involved with the SCA since 1991, beginning in the Middle Kingdom and then moving to Calontir.

Konstantia Kaloethina: Just Another Byzantine Blog is Rachel O‘s creation beginning it in 2012. Over that time she and has gleaned over 1500 followers. Besides all things Byzantine, she writes about heraldry, calligraphy and scribal projects .

My Lady Mother is regularly written by Lady Rosalie Langmod and beginning in March, 2015. She well describes her blog as “the ramblings of a young, work-from-home mother on the path to becoming a homeschooling mother, while still recreating fourteenth century life in the Society for Creative Anachronism.” Her varied topics are history recreation, research, project process and her mundane life.

Those are the five excellent blogs I’ve found. You see even they display great variety in style, topic, and interests.

Honorable Mentions include these less frequently written but quality Calontir bloggers: Lazy Laurel, Stars and Garters, The Verdant Quill, and Adventures in Anachronism. Check them out. They may surprise you someday by writing frequently.

If there’s an active Calontir connected blog I’ve missed, please, let me know in the comment section below. I love reading blogs, especially by Calontiri.

4 thoughts on “Calontir Hath Bloggers

  1. Greetings, Mistress Jehanne!

    Thank you for the mention! Blogging has been entertaining and an excellent way to highlight my activities/research. While I started the blog to focus on SCA interests, it turns out that I now get more response to my naval history posts. Since I began my research on my father-in-law’s ship in the Pacific Theater in WWII, I’ve received quite a few requests for help in finding information for family members who also had relatives serving at that time. Very rewarding! One of my posts about the USS Patterson began getting up to 10-12 hits per day, from Korean IPs. A little research led me to find that my post is now found on 3 Korean Wiki entries. 🙂

    Finally, I do have a short blurb that mentions my full name at this link . It occurs to me that having the “about me” link with a drop down menu is not the best design. I think I’ll make a change!!



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